想知道「一整年」的價值, 就去問被死當的學生。 To realize the value of ONE YEAR Ask a student who has failed his final exam.
想知道「一個月」的價值, 就去問曾經早產的母親。 To realize the value of ONE MONTH Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
想知道「一週」的價值, 就去問週報的編輯。 To realize the value of ONE WEEK Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
想知道「一天」的價值, 就去問有十個孩子待哺的領日薪工人。 To realize the value of ONE DAY Ask a daily wage laborer who has ten kids to feed.
想知道「一小時」的價值, 就去問在等待見面的情侶。 To realize the value of ONE HOUR Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
想知道「一分鐘」的價值, 就去問剛錯過火車的人。 To realize the value of ONE MINUTE Ask a person who has missed the train.
想知道「一秒鐘」的價值, 就去問剛閃過一場車禍的人。 To realize the value of ONE SECOND Ask a person who has survived an accident.
想知道「千分之一秒」的價值, 就去問奧運的銀牌得主。 To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND Ask the person who has won a silver medal in Olympics.
珍惜你所擁有的每一刻時間。 昨日已成歷史,而明日仍是個謎。 Treasure every moment that you have! Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.
今天則是珍貴的禮物, 那是它為何被稱做『禮物』的原因。 Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!! Author: Unknown |
但其中所矜誇的,不過是勞苦愁煩,轉眼成空,我們便如飛而去。 誰曉得你怒氣的權勢? 誰按著你該受的敬畏曉得你的忿怒呢? 求你指教我們怎樣數算自己的日子,好叫我們得著智慧的心。 聖經 詩篇 90:10-12 (摩西的禱告) |